Month: January 2018

The case for the Batman Support Rotation

The case for the Batman Support Rotation

I recently listened to a podcast that resonated with me. It wasn’t because the topic of discussion was something new, or something that I hadn’t thought of before, but simply because I finally had a name for it. The hosts of the show discussed the idea of having a rotation for focusing on bugs and…

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Podcasts I’m listening to in 2018

Podcasts I’m listening to in 2018

To say that my blog is a mixed bag of topics would be an understatement. This week, I’m switching gears and showcasing another area of my life. Enjoy! After moving further away from work in 2017, I quickly realized that I could better utilize my time during my 45+ minute commute by changing what I…

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Lessons Learned After Losing 120lbs – Part I

Lessons Learned After Losing 120lbs – Part I

If you haven’t read a bit about my weight loss journey yet, check it out here.  As you probably already know, losing a considerable amount of weight is a lengthy endeavor. It’s also an iterative process in that you must continuously adapt and make changes to your routine. Sadly, without iterating you risk not making…

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How I lost over 100 pounds

How I lost over 100 pounds

I know, I know, my blog is only a few days old and I’m already posting something that sounds like clickbait. Listen here though, people are always asking me how I lost so much weight, and considering that a new year has just begun and many of you are still following through with your resolutions,…

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