Podcasts I’m listening to in 2018

Podcasts I’m listening to in 2018

To say that my blog is a mixed bag of topics would be an understatement. This week, I’m switching gears and showcasing another area of my life. Enjoy!

After moving further away from work in 2017, I quickly realized that I could better utilize my time during my 45+ minute commute by changing what I listen to in the car. I enjoy music as much as the next person, if not more, but I was longing for some more enriching content for a variety of reasons. Let me also say that listening to music is not a bad thing, however I wanted to open my mind to new insights, advice, and knowledge that I typically wouldn’t get out of listening to the same playlist everyday.

I had subscribed to a variety of Podcasts in the past, but never took the time to listen to them due to my short commute.

These days, I try to squeeze in some podcast listening time each day whether it be in the car, shoveling snow, mowing the lawn, or just relaxing. They’re a great way to learn something new, and often instill a bit of entertainment in the discussions as well.

So, without any further ado, here’s a list of the podcasts that are typically at the top of my queue. Feel free to check them out and show them some love, especially if you enjoy technology and personal finance!

The Rabbit Hole: An Inside Look into Software Development

If you’re a software engineer or working towards becoming one, this is an excellent podcast to listen to. The gentlemen who run the show typically discuss topics related to projects, technology, and project management/agile. I may be a scrum master, but I’m a techie at heart, and even I enjoy learning the difference between trunk based development and gitflow, what makes a good test, and the importance and significance of side projects!

Meta-Cast, an agile podcast

You guess it, Meta-Cast is an agile podcast where two guys, Bob & Josh, tend to talk about all things agile. From Kanban, to Scrum, and everything in between. If you’re a fellow agilist, or another technologist who just wants to learn more, this could be a great show to add to your playlist. What agilist is opposed to hearing more about stories, tasks, and epics?


The Stacking Benjamin’s Show

Switching gears to personal finance, if you’re like me and could use a few tips on investing, making the right financial moves, or just enjoy the topic, then you’ll like the Stacking Benjamin’s show. You won’t actually learn anything (you will, it’s just a joke from the show), but they keep things interesting and occasionally add a bit of humor to the topic!


Listen Money Matters

Yet another interesting personal finance show to listen is Listen Money Matters. The guys on this show keep things relatable, and they’re often learning new things right along with you. If you’re in your 20’s to early 30’s, you’ll likely relate to them and gather a good bit of knowledge along the way. I also recommend this podcast if you’re on the quest to learn more about real estate investing. These guys have quite a few episodes that talk about finding a property, guidelines you should follow, and they talk about a cool website called Roofstock, too!

Radical Candor

While these folks don’t seem to be producing many new episodes of late, the episodes available bring the importance of feedback to light. They discuss the human side of feedback, its importance, and discuss a variety of career-related topics.



Last up, is yet another agile podcast which has proven to be quite useful. Topics often include Q&A sessions, bits about estimation, various team activities, and so much more. As an agilist, I’m sure you’ll find something useful and interesting that maybe you just haven’t thought of before.


I hope you found some of these recommendations helpful in one way or another, or at the very least, provide you with some insight into what I listen to on a regular basis.

Feel free to leave a comment below and let me know what podcasts you listen to and when you typically listen to them. Are you one who also listens to podcasts on your commute? Do you set aside time during the day in the office?

Talk soon,


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