Category: Agile

Agile + Weight Loss = Success?

Agile + Weight Loss = Success?

As someone who lost over 100 pounds and one who is also an Agile evangelist, when I think about what I did to lose weight, more often than not do I come to the conclusion that there is a relationship between losing weight and Agile. Confused? Hear me out… Agile is most often defined as…

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Tighten Your Feedback Loops

Tighten Your Feedback Loops

Communication and transparency are cornerstones in Agile, but there’s always opportunity to improve. When is the last time you took a look at your team’s feedback loops and the frequency at which they take place? I bet you’re just going through the motions, and maybe in some regards have become complacent with how the team…

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Stop saying “Scrum Master”

Stop saying “Scrum Master”

How’s that for a controversial title? In all honesty though, stop it. Enough is enough — I will now refer to you all as Agilists. As Agilists, we have first hand exposure to the ever changing world of software development. Not only are there new technologies and platforms on the rise, but many organizations are reimagining the way their software teams get work…

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The case for the Batman Support Rotation

The case for the Batman Support Rotation

I recently listened to a podcast that resonated with me. It wasn’t because the topic of discussion was something new, or something that I hadn’t thought of before, but simply because I finally had a name for it. The hosts of the show discussed the idea of having a rotation for focusing on bugs and…

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Podcasts I’m listening to in 2018

Podcasts I’m listening to in 2018

To say that my blog is a mixed bag of topics would be an understatement. This week, I’m switching gears and showcasing another area of my life. Enjoy! After moving further away from work in 2017, I quickly realized that I could better utilize my time during my 45+ minute commute by changing what I…

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