Category: General

It’s OK to go back

It’s OK to go back

Often referred to as boomerang employees, it seems that the trend is on the rise, at least from my perspective. In the past, it seems that many folks would be embarrassed to leave an employer, only to return a few months later. Perhaps it makes them look weak, or unable to embrace change but, it…

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Podcasts I’m listening to in 2018

Podcasts I’m listening to in 2018

To say that my blog is a mixed bag of topics would be an understatement. This week, I’m switching gears and showcasing another area of my life. Enjoy! After moving further away from work in 2017, I quickly realized that I could better utilize my time during my 45+ minute commute by changing what I…

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Hello, 2018!

Hello, 2018!

Cue the “Happy New Year” posts, conversations, and resolutions… now! The holiday’s are finally over; we came, we conquered, we ate, and we hopefully spent time with friends, family, and loved ones. Another year is in the books, and in looking back on it, it went by at a record-setting pace, at least in my…

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Hello, World!

Hello, World!

Oh, hello! As a technologist (read: not a software developer), I’ve completed my fair share of hello world projects, but this one is different.