Hello, World!

Hello, World!

Ah yes, “Hello, World”

This is probably one of the phrases that is most synonymous with the software development space, particularly when learning a new technology or language, right? When I created this WordPress site, I was greeted with an initial Hello World post, so I figured I’d run with it. Why not? Who’s going to stop me? This isn’t my first hello world, and it won’t be my last however, it is my first in a public forum such as this.

Obviously, this is my first post here, and hopefully not my last. My last semester of my MBA program is quickly approaching, so on top of juggling my career, education, and my other extracurricular activities, why wouldn’t I add another thing to the mix? After all, I will need something else to keep me busy once I finish my second graduate degree (like I need a hole in my head).

As I sit here watching Netflix, I’m pondering what direction I want to take this site in. I’m sure as you read this (if you’re reading this, that is), you’re wondering the same. In my mind, I have a plan to focus on re-hashing some research papers I’ve written over the years and sharing my thoughts on a number of topics but, I guess only time will tell.

Stay tuned, my friends. I’m sure it won’t be long until we meet again.


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